- The new season begins January 5, 2014 with a league meeting at 4:30pm at Holiday Bowl.
- League practice will begin at 5:50pm.
- A full team consists of four bowlers with up to two alternates for a total of six that may belong to a team, but only four bowl every week. Download Team Roster Entry Form
- League fees are $16 per week and if you are not currently sanctioned by USBC, that will be a $21 fee that is renewable once a year. (House ball and shoes are included in league fee, if needed.)
- We bowl for 18 weeks (17 weeks league and 1 Fun Night/Awards) on Sunday nights. Practice starts at 5:50pm every Sunday at Holiday Bowl at Lomas/Pennsylvania on the North side of Lomas. (Be aware that Leisure Bowl is across the street.)
- Full 2014 Schedule
We are not a competitive league. We are a social league. We don’t care how you bowl, just that you want to have fun and enjoy everyone’s company!
And don’t forget we have a Fun Bowl, that benefits our TART Tournment, for anyone and everyone coming up January 11th at Leisure Bowl (soon to be “Skids”) at 6pm. For more info and to RSVP, head over to the TART Tournament page.