If you are interested in joining, please read the details below. Individual and team sign up form options are near the bottom of this page. LEAGUE INFO: Our league bowls on Sunday evenings at 6pm at Silva Lanes on Eubank and Candelaria. We are a social league and love having new people join! Trust us, […]
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Category: New season
New Spring Season 2019 Starts January 6t...
The Spring half of this season starts Sunday, January 6, 2019. If you are interested in joining, please read the details below. Individual and team sign up forms options are at the bottom of this page. LEAGUE INFO: Our league bowls on Sunday evenings at 6pm at SILVA LANES (new house for fall 2018) on […]
New Season Starts Sunday, August 13, 201...
First half of 2017-2018 season starts Sunday, August 13, 2017. If you are interested in joining, details and team roster sign up forms are below: League Information: Our league bowls on Sunday evenings at 6pm at Holiday Bowl on Lomas and Pennsylvania. We bowl 18 week sessions. We are a social league and love having new people […]
New Bowling League “Thursday Night Out”
We have formed a new weeknight league we call Thursday Night Out. We began on January 9th, but you can still contact Greg Frey if you’d like to join, and he might be able to work his magic! DETAILS: Starlight Lanes (Santa Ana Star Casino) Thursday Nights at 7:30pm 3-Person Teams $15/week (includes all fees) […]
New Season Starts Sunday 1/5/14
SUNDAY NIGHT OUT 2014 BEGINS SUNDAY, JANUARY 5TH! The new season begins January 5, 2014 with a league meeting at 4:30pm at Holiday Bowl. League practice will begin at 5:50pm. A full team consists of four bowlers with up to two alternates for a total of six that may belong to a team, but only four […]